Erotic Wisdom

Erotic wisdom is helpful to those who:

  • Seek a deeper and more authentic sense of erotic identity.
  • Want to have a more choice-ful, engaging, and satisfying erotic life.
  • Are curious about the connection between sexuality and spirituality.
  • Are interested in exploring the benefits of full-body orgasm.
  • Feel erotically confused, shut down, or blocked.
  • Are recovering from surgery or illness and want to regenerate erotic sensation.

Erotic fulfillment is a lifetime quest that calls us to continually tune our awareness and appreciation of our bodies. As with most areas of our lives, if we don’t learn new approaches, we can become erotically bored or shut down. Our bodies are designed to provide us with a lifetime of exquisite pleasure, deep enjoyment, and a way to tap into a channel of ecstasy that continually refreshes and inspires. Not all of us know how to access these channels on a regular basis. This is where education comes in. I believe that no matter how complicated or uninformed your story is, you can find your way home to your body’s full erotic potential.

Wilhelm Reich believed that full-body orgasm was the body’s natural response to erotic pleasure. Most people consider genital orgasm the ultimate expression of sexual fulfillment, and they have yet to imagine that other worlds exist. Our bodies are ready and willing to teach us as soon as we become curious about new possibilities. We carry incredible reservoirs of wisdom within us, and our ability to access that erotic wisdom relies on our willingness to release the patterns we have developed that diminish our willingness to explore and try new things.

Using education, breathwork, and movement, I work with clients to help them experience a full-body flow of energy. Most of us need help getting out of our heads (where we store our cultural beliefs) and into our hearts (where we instinctively know how to access love for ourselves) so we can feel the fullness of our bodies. Coming into greater acceptance of our bodies as the miraculous instruments they are, we find that listening becomes easier and a more authentic conversation within ourselves is possible.